20240904 经济学人| A talk show in TikTok times 抖音时代的脱口秀每天学点《经济学人》英语

20240904 经济学人| A talk show in TikTok times 抖音时代的脱口秀

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Hello guys! Welcome to my channel! My name is JC, a University Lecturer in the UK. 哈喽大家好,欢迎来到我的频道——每天学点经济学人英语。我叫JC,是一名在英国高校工作的大学老师。In this channel, I hope to share with you some latest news happening around the world, and some useful words and expressions to talk about them. 那么这个频道呢主要是和大家分享一些最新的热门话题,以及如何用地道的词汇和短语进行表达。我们选用的语料主要来源于《经济学人》: 一本诙谐幽默的英文新闻周报。选用它主要是因为它的用词相当日常,而且常常带有梗的成分,可以说是学习英语的不二之选。那么话不多说——let’s jump right in!

Hey guys! It's Sep 5th, 2024. Today’s news is about Tiktok. We know that Tiktok is now one of the most frequently used platforms by young people. With Gen Z increasingly favoring TikTok over traditional TV, talk show, which is a popular form of TV show in the States, is now stepping on the platform. What are these shows focusing on? Let’s hear more from the news.

【新闻】A talk show in TikTok times 抖音时代的脱口秀 


Gen Z are watching TikTok instead of television. Less than half of young people in Britain regularly tune in to broadcast TV. Meanwhile, on social media amateur anchors deliver the news. In 2023 nearly a third of Americans aged between 18 and 29 regularly got their news on TikTok, according to a poll by Pew Research Centre.


Tun in (to) sth:  If you tune in to a particular television or radio station or programme, you watch or listen to it. 收看; 收听

< All over the country, youngsters tune in to Sesame Street every day.>


 If you tune in to something such as your own or other people's feelings, you become aware of them. 了解 (感情等)

< You can start now to tune in to your own physical, social and spiritual needs.>


Amateur: adj. 业余的 OPPO professional.

< an amateur photographer> 业余摄影爱好者

n. 业余爱好者

< The tournament is open to both amateurs and professionals.> 这次锦标赛业余选手和职业选手均可参加。

Anchor: n. 节目主持人

< He worked in the news division of ABC – he was the anchor of its 15-minute evening newscast.>


< to drop anchor> 抛锚

Poll: n. 民意测验;民意调查 SYN survey, research.

n. 选举投票;计票; 投票数

< The final result of the poll will be known tomorrow. > 投票结果将于明天公布。

< They gained 20% of the poll. > 他们得到了20%的选票。

“Influenced”, released on Prime Video on Thursday, is a talk show that seeks to straddle social media and television. The co-hosts are five online influencers with more than 5m fans between them on TikTok. The 30-minute episodes will tackle topics ranging from plastic surgery to mental health.

周四在Prime Video上发布的《影响》是一档寻求跨界社交媒体和电视的脱口秀节目。联合主持人是5位在TikTok上拥有超过500万粉丝的网红。每集时长30分钟,涉及的话题从整形手术到心理健康都有。

Straddle: [/ˈstrædl/ ] v. Someone or something that straddles different periods, groups, or fields of activity exists in, belongs to, or takes elements from them all. 跨越 (不同时期、群体或领域)

< He straddles two cultures, having been brought up in the United States and later converted to Islam.> 他跨越两种文化,从小在美国受教育,后来又改信伊斯兰教。

Range from A to B: 涵盖从A到B之内的…(常以ranging from…to…的形式作后置定语)

< She has had a number of different jobs, ranging from chef to swimming instructor. > 她做过许多不同的工作,从厨师到游泳教练。

One on work-life balance covers “side hustles” that generate income alongside a nine-to-five job. “Are you scrolling looking for something to watch?” ask the hosts on social media, as they seek to lure viewers to the new show. Prime, which is owned by Amazon, hopes that Gen-Zers will, at least for a while, stop scrolling and start streaming.


Side hustle: 兼职工作:指在主要工作之外为了获得额外收入而进行的工作。

Hustle and bustle: 喧嚣,熙熙攘攘

< We escaped from the hustle and bustle of the city for the weekend. > 我们周末时躲开了城市的拥挤喧嚣。

Lure sb to sth: 劝诱;引诱;诱惑

< Young people are lured to the city by the prospect of a job and money.> 年轻人希望打工赚钱,从而被诱惑到城市。

n. 魅力,吸引力

< Few can resist the lure of adventure.> 很少有人能抵御历险的诱惑力。

Scroll: v.  滚屏;滚动

< Scroll down to the bottom of the document. >向下滚动到文件末尾。 

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