最开始了解到ego ideal和ideal ego是听“齐泽克”的相关东西,一直记错了,记成了“齐格勒”

实在界 The Real
是不可知(the impossible)的,不能直接感受到的
想象界 Imaginary Order
Ideal Ego 理想自我,理想状态
象征界(Symbolic Order)

The underlying structuring principle of these tree terms is clearly Lacan’s triad Imaginary—Symbolic—Real: the ideal ego is imaginary, what Lacan calls the “small other,” the idealized double image of my ego; the ego ideal is symbolic, the point of my symbolic identification, the point in the big Other from which I observe (and judge) myself; the superego is real, the cruel and insatiable agency which bombards me with impossible demands and which mocks my failed attempts to meet them, the agency in the eyes of which I am all the more guilty, the more I try to suppress my “sinful” strivings and live up to its exigencies.