China CRM Redefined: Navigating Clienteling

China CRM Redefined: Navigating Clienteling

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Welcome to the world of Clienteling: it's a world where the brand manages the client relationship. It's an online/offline integration ecosystem that is alive in China, but the West has no equivalent. In the clienteling world, retail sales become online sales associates, and brands promote their products directly to the customer database, all possible thanks to WeChat.  Shanghai-based digital transformation consultancy IT Consultis co-founder and Vice President Aurelien Rigart takes us through this journey. When will Clienteling come to the rest of the world?
Listen and discover!

1.  What are the biggest challenges for foreign brands embracing digital transformation in China?
2.  Is there an equivalent to the Chinese ecosystem in the West?  Will WhatsApp catch up?
3.  Is Clienteling only for luxury and high-end brands? Will it work for FMCG?
4. How do you calculate ROI in Clienteling? Answer: It depends
5.  Are there more luxury buyers, or have luxury brands kept their loyal followers?
6.  Who owns the data in a Clienteling relationship?
7.  Is there a separate Clienteling app for store personnel, or do they all connect through WeCom?
8. How do the stores get involved, and what's the social media connection?
9. Is Xiaohongshu more for awareness and WeChat more for the bottom funnel?
10.  I don't have much money; where do I start?
11. Why are brands still behind in digital transformation? It's China!
12. Should the CRM manager run the sales department?
13. A/B Test: Ye all the way! (sorry, Taylor)

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