READING | General flow of the jury trial in Hong Kong.

READING | General flow of the jury trial in Hong Kong.

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A jury trial in HK :

In a trial, we always start with an opening, and then you call your witnesses for your own side ,and then your own witnesses will be cross examined.

After cross examination, there will be a re examination ,after the end of the prosecution's case, if the defendant is not their only witness, you will have the chance to have an opening and then you call your witnesses and finally your opponent could cross examine your witnesses and you can re examine.

And then it's the both parties clothing, so that's the general flow of the trial in Hong Kong.

  1. Opening. 开案陈词

  2. Examination in chief. 主问

  3. Cross examination. 盘问

  4. Closing submission. 结案陈词