Vol. 11 | Does the early bird catch the worm?Beyond the Books

Vol. 11 | Does the early bird catch the worm?

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Should you really start school early? Studying twins can tell us...

Today many parents are concerned about their child’s learning, and want to know how to accelerate this. One common belief is that starting school early can give children an increased head-start in education. However, is this really true? Dr. Xuyan Lou, Assistant Professor in our School of Economics, was determined to find out the answer. Together with her collaborators, Xuyan adopted a novel approach to studying this question: she examined data from twins in China, using this to assess if the common Chinese saying “the early bird will catch the worm” is correct or not.

Join Mary and Derek as they discuss Xuyan's paper “Does the early bird catch the worm? The effect of school starting age on educational attainment and labor market outcomes: Evidence from Chinese urban twins data” published in the Journal of Comparative Economics.


如今,家庭对教育的重视程度不断提高,很多家长愈发关注如何加速孩子的学习进程。其中普遍流传这样一个观点“提早入学能为孩子在教育上赢得先机”——那么,这个观点究竟有科学依据吗?在本期《Beyond the Books》播客节目中,我们邀请到了经济系助理教授楼旭妍博士,她将和我们分享她在《比较经济学杂志》上发表的文章《早起的鸟儿有虫吃?入学年龄对教育成就和劳动市场结果的影响:基于中国城市双胞胎数据的证据》,为我们带来这一问题的思考和解答。

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本期嘉宾:楼旭妍博士 (经济系系助理教授)

本期主持:Dr Mary Ainslie (媒体与文化研究副教授),Dr DerekIrwin (应用语言学副教授)

后期制作:Dr Richard Frenneaux (国际传播学助理教授),张珂婷 (国际传播学学生)

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