Dive into the world of "Flip Thinking" with us! We explore Berthold Gunster's revolutionary approach to problem-solving, turning challenges into opportunities with creativity and playful twists. Discover how to slay the "yes but" dragon and embrace the "yes and" mindset, using Gunster's 7 principles and 11 strategies to transform frustration into innovation. Get ready to redefine problems, embrace stress, and amplify what's working!
一起深入探索“Flip Thinking”!我们探索 Berthold Gunster 革命性的问题解决之道,以创造力和趣味将挑战转化为机遇。学习如何战胜“是,但是”的阻碍,拥抱“是,而且”的思维模式,运用 Gunster 的 7 大原则和 11 条策略,将挫折转化为创新。准备好重新定义问题、拥抱压力并放大优势吧!