- 第75期 德马赛后复盘
- 第74期 德马赛前碎碎念
- 第73期 Run Elite 读书笔记03
Support Training 支撑训练 Your objectives during support training are to: * Develop speed endurance at paces faster than race pace (105%–115%of goal race pace) * Develop muscular endurance at paces slower than race pace (85%–95% of goal race pace) 如何计算配速参考网站:www.runelitebook.com Specific Training 专项训练 This kind of training involves two components: * Training at race pace * Training the sum of the supporting fibers that help you maintain race pace(i.e., both slightly faster than and slightly slower than race pace) Your objectives during support training are to: * Recruiting muscle fibers in the right order * Enhancing neuromuscular coordination * Maximizing metabolic efficiency (including conserving glycogen) * Glycogen-Depletion Run 耗尽糖原跑(例如:空腹晨跑)注:赛前3周不要做,整个周期1-2次即可 * Fast-Finish Long Run 快速完成长跑(例如:渐进跑lsd;lsd最后几百米冲刺) * Alternation-Run 交替跑 (例如:20mile lsd=10mile warm-up+10mile fartlek) * Familiarizing yourself with race pace Taper 总原则:减量不减强度 前提:The fundamental problem with tapering is that it presupposes that there exists some degree of overtraining that must be recovered from in order to perform well.(假定存在过度训练,需要超量恢复)
- 第72期 Run Elite 读书笔记02
趁着上午摸鱼整理了一点读书笔记,并且利用午休时间录完了,高效如我本🐏…… 这一期开始进入干货部分,讲了Triphasic Model(三阶段模型)的第一个阶段——Base Training(基础训练)。 三种能量系统随着跑步时间持续的供能贡献占比图: Triphasic Model的核心理念: The triphasic model is designed to focus on training the all-important muscular system, while at the same time taking the metabolic systems along for a free ride. By training the muscular system, you get to enhance your three metabolic systems as a byproduct! 两种适合在本阶段执行的训练形式(推荐在ez run中加入): Hill Sprints:冲刺跑 Hill sprints are all-out 100% speed runs, done up a moderately steep hill. They are a maximum of eight seconds in length, followed by a full recovery. Strides:跨步跑 Strides are short bursts of running at a pace that is quick and relaxed. The most common stride distance is roughly 100m and can range from 50m up to 400m. The pace shouldn’t be based on a percentage of race pace or any objective measurement. The pace is simply the fastest that a runner can move while not tensing up in the upper body. 推荐Youtube视频详解Strides:youtu.be 基础训练期采取极化训练的两大好处: * Minimize overuse injuries by keeping most training at a slower pace * Minimize future overuse injuries by developing fast-twitch muscle fiber integrity
- 第71期 Run Elite 读书笔记01
感谢杰克蜀黍给我推荐了这本书,受益匪浅。为了督促自己更好地咀嚼和消化这本书里的内容,决定用播客的方式记录自己的读书笔记和感想。 这一期复盘了这本书里面的part1: mindset和part2: elite training的开头。等到整本书都复盘完毕,我会在公众号(欢迎订阅:一只名为阿月浑子的羊)分享自己的文字版读书笔记。 这本书的官网地址:https://www.runelitebook.com/ Youtube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWWLuF0h8IhJievtDw5Bd_g Key Takeaways: Mindset: You cannot consistently perform in a manner which is inconsistent with the way you see yourself. The key is to align your goals with what it is that you actually believe and value (not lying to yourself). You will feel successful more regularly and the feeling of success will trigger more success in your brain. It's called "the winner effect". Successful people tend to get more success, and struggling people tend to keep struggling. Goal-setting: (1)When it comes to setting your goals, they should not only inspire you, they should be on the other side of your comfort zone. (2)You should believe that they're humanly possible. (3)But that they're just past where you believe you could go if all went well. Four Training Myths Holding You Back: * Myth 1: VO2max and lactate threshold are what limit your race performance. * Myth 2: Progressive overload is a smart way to train. * Myth 3: 10% Rule * Myth 4: Mileage is the best predictor of performance.
- 第70期 原来体感26℃这么凉快啊
深圳确实降温了,但本🐏又迎来了新的问题 🙃
- 第69期 旅行结束的这一周
#记录一下在韩国旅行的跑步和回深以后的跑步# 最近真的超级快乐!
- 第68期 是可以独立跑间歇的🐏了
- 第67期 Week3 R跑心得
又是赶上生理期的强度课。 这周调整了一下课表,强度变大了一点。 200m*20,组间休息走200m,取消了大组间的5min休息,影响还是蛮大的,下半程有点跑不动了。但教练说考虑到生理期的原因,完成情况还不错。 结尾顺便分享了一下新课表的思路和对生理期运动的看法。
- 第66期 week2 r跑心得
- 第65期 理想型世界杯
- 第64期 咱也来玩玩极限二选一
- 第63期 首半马PB了!
- 第62期 Day-2 宝马前2天我在干什么!
- 第61期 Pistachio in Foshan